When I posted my Hot Mess 2006 post, I mentioned that Lil Kim was a whole other post, so here it is. I have found some of Lil Kim's old photos and some of the recent photos I've seen. I am appalled that she is progressively looking worse and worse. She is turning into the modern female version of Michael Jackson.
I remember reading an article about her past and how she was a prostitute and has been thru some rough times in her life. It's rather obvious that she has some insecurities about herself which is why she began getting plastic surgery. It never ceases to amazes me that there are people that don't see themselves and how crazy they look. I'm aware that there are all sorts of levels of the body dysmorphic disorder (which is someone's excessive preoccupation with a real or imagined defect in their personal appearance), but one would think that someone in that person's life could simply show them a few comparison photos to get them to see that they need to leave themselves alone. There are VERY few cases where plastic surgery really makes a huge difference for the better unless you're fixing a birth defect or true deformity.
Having said all of this, can we discuss these comparison shots of Lil Kim....
These are some photos I found of Lil Kim after she admitted that she had a little surgery, but she still looked relatively 'normal'..

These days, she just looks absolutely crazy, in my humble opinon. You let me know if I'm off the mark on this or not...

There was also a time when Lil Kim went into a phase where she obviously wanted to look like a white barbie doll, but why? This first photo was one from a CD cover she did and when I saw it, I didn't even recognize her and when I read the cover and it said Lil Kim, I was shocked. And then there are photos where she continued to descend into the strangeness that is her these days. Can someone explain to me, what happened to Lil Kim?????