Oprah's Weight Loss Boot Camp...

I've been sticking to the basic changes that I've made, like continuing to drink my water daily and seriously cut back on my soda intake, which was at an alarming level (shaking my head at myself.. lol). I've also continued to excercise, but not as regularly as I know is necessary. I also find that I don't truly push myself at the gym every time I go, which I know is necessary, especially at this stage to see some results that will encourage me to continue.
I went online to Oprah's site this morning and printed and signed the Boot Camp contract, that in part reads: "I realize that this contract is solely with myself and that it carries no rewards, penalties, or punishments other than those associated with the reflection of the strength of my character". I think that's a powerful statement and one I intend on keeping in mind. I am planning on posting this on my refrigerator in order to keep it in mind whenever I am getting something out of it to eat.
I acknowledge that my 2 biggest challenges in this journey are portion control and excercising. I'm a horrible over eater (add to that emotional eater) and I absolutely HATE to excercise. I am going to keep some key ideas in mind regarding portion control. My stomach is approximately the size of my fist. I shouldn't be eating meals that are much more than that. Also, I will try to reduce my intake of meats and when I do eat meat, since I'm a horribly carnivorous person, I will limit the size to no more than the size of my fist. Regarding excercising, I have recently started to attend the aerobics classes my gym offers. It's difficult for me to keep up with the class, but I'm burned out on weights and the treadmill, so I have to switch it up to keep myself motivated. I will eventually be able to keep up with the class and get myself moving as I know is necessary to conquer this battle.
I have approximately 65lbs to loose, so this will be no easy task, but I HAVE to do this and failure is not an option for me. I'm so unhappy with my weight and only I can change it and I will!