New Job!
I've never been so unhappy with a job like I have been with my current position. I am a very outgoing and happy person and I found myself working with a group of very guarded and anti-social people. I stuck it out for 6mths, but I found that it was starting to affect me. I have a very good work ethic and I started to simply not care about work and that made me feel horrible.
A close family friend passed away earlier this year and he was a person that was so full of life. Cancer deteriorated his strong body and killed him in less than 3mths. Seeing this happen to someone I'd always admired and loved enforced the theory that life is indeed short and you never know when the end is coming. So I decided that it's about quality of life. I put aside my fears of how it would look on my resume to have only been on a job for only 6mths and started looking for another job. I am so happy that I did. It wasn't worth staying at a job that made me unhappy and that I hate reporting to on a daily basis. It simpy wasn't worth the stress.
So, I'm off to a better opportunity and one that will relieve some of the stress I've been feeling of late. Thanks to all of my friends and family that have been supportive and helped me get thru this short, yet stressful time.
I love you all dearly!... Nat
Natacha, you know I am very proud of you.Your message is a inspiration to me.You know, life is too short to be doing something day in and day out that dosen't make you happy. I've been at this dead end job for 8 years and for some reason, I'm scared to step out of my comfort zone.I don't hate my job, but it isn't at all something I look forward to on a daily basis. You are truly an inspiration to me.
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