Wow, what a night last night was!!! Over the past year, we've gone from reciting the slogan 'Yes we can', to reciting the slogan 'Yes we will' yesterday, to 'Yes we did' today. I have to admit that coming from a very religious and immigrant family, I was never encouraged to get involved in politics in any way. I've never felt compelled to either, but this year was different. At the age of 35, I registered to vote for the first time in my life and voted for what I felt was right. I wanted to make my voice heard and it was touching to see so many others that were in the same frame of mind as myself. It just felt right on so many levels. America has spoken and our voice has been heard loud and clear worldwide!
I'm reminded of the struggles that my parents had to endure as immigrants coming to a country as adults where not only the land was foreign to them, but the language as well. I'm reminded of how they struggled to provide for my siblings and myself in this, a foreign country for them. I'm also reminded of how I was raised in America, but with the culture and ideals of my parents homeland. I realize how much I have in common with Barack and how my heart swells with pride for him and for America as a whole.
This is indeed a magical time. I have so many blessings happening for me right now and having this happen just sets the stage for change in every respect. I feel blessed to be here to witness and be a part of this momentus time in our country's history. I am taking advantage of this magical time to make resolutions for the coming year since I'm feeling now more than ever that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!
Inspirations and blessings to all who read this,
Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King Jr could walk.
Martin Luther King Jr walked so Barack Obama could run.
Barack Obama ran, so our children & grandchildren can fly!!!