Cutting locks for religious purposes..
I'm a member of the Lovin' Locs yahoo group and there has been recent discussion about this topic due to a member's post. She was inquiring about how to 'take down' her locks, but added 'due to my faith in Christ and conviction in the Holy Ghost I chose to get rid of my 2 1/2 years of locks'. As one can imagine this has caused a fire storm of controversy within the group.
Many have posted questions to her about what her biblical basis is for this decision and she refuses to provide any stating 'I don't have a scripture, but what I do have is peace in the decision I've embarked on'. I'm really disappointed with her response because it's so dismissive. If it's not something you wanted to discuss or provide an explanation for, why even state the reason for wanting to remove your locks? Granted, one has the right to do whatever they wish, but if you're going to say something like that in a group full of people that are passionate about their locks and this journey, why would you announce something of that nature and neglect/refuse to provide the basis for your decision. Also, does this mean that since the remainder of the members of this group have locks, your view is that we don't have faith in Christ? That's a huge indictment to make and fail to back up.
How could someone twist or misconstrue a journey to being natural as something that was in some way un-godlike? Logic would tell me that this would be something Christ would embrace. I'm of the firm belief that faith is important, but religion isn't always the best route to spirituality. It seems to me that there is some preacher that may be persuading her in this decision and that may be why she has no way of explaining her stance on the topic. And if her decision has been made by influence of a so-called 'spiritual guide' it has nothing to do with scriptual or doctrinal tenant. Those that claim to be elders or spiritual leaders are still human and have flaws and can misinterpret the bible, just as anyone else. I have seen so many people misquote scripture and verse out of context and twist it to deliver the message that they want to deliver instead of what the message truly is.
I may be a bit biased on the subject due to some of the hypocrisy, ill-intent, and the misuse of authority that I saw groing up within the confines of 'religion', but she chose to openly criticize our journeys by her comment and I feel it's very offensive.
How do you feel about this subject?
Many have posted questions to her about what her biblical basis is for this decision and she refuses to provide any stating 'I don't have a scripture, but what I do have is peace in the decision I've embarked on'. I'm really disappointed with her response because it's so dismissive. If it's not something you wanted to discuss or provide an explanation for, why even state the reason for wanting to remove your locks? Granted, one has the right to do whatever they wish, but if you're going to say something like that in a group full of people that are passionate about their locks and this journey, why would you announce something of that nature and neglect/refuse to provide the basis for your decision. Also, does this mean that since the remainder of the members of this group have locks, your view is that we don't have faith in Christ? That's a huge indictment to make and fail to back up.
How could someone twist or misconstrue a journey to being natural as something that was in some way un-godlike? Logic would tell me that this would be something Christ would embrace. I'm of the firm belief that faith is important, but religion isn't always the best route to spirituality. It seems to me that there is some preacher that may be persuading her in this decision and that may be why she has no way of explaining her stance on the topic. And if her decision has been made by influence of a so-called 'spiritual guide' it has nothing to do with scriptual or doctrinal tenant. Those that claim to be elders or spiritual leaders are still human and have flaws and can misinterpret the bible, just as anyone else. I have seen so many people misquote scripture and verse out of context and twist it to deliver the message that they want to deliver instead of what the message truly is.
I may be a bit biased on the subject due to some of the hypocrisy, ill-intent, and the misuse of authority that I saw groing up within the confines of 'religion', but she chose to openly criticize our journeys by her comment and I feel it's very offensive.
How do you feel about this subject?
I think your post is thoughtful.
It isn't condemning or harsh. I agreee with the points you have made.
I am a believer of Christ, and I can't find anything that says you can't have locs in the Bible. Actually, I find quite a few times when Nazarites are directed not to cut their hair.
I hope your group can get back to encouraging and just let this go. She refuses to communicate is a sign that it may not have been her acting alone.
It is her personal conviction. It's like this: I have things that I am convicted of certain things that some others who aren't convicted of that thing yet (or ever) follow Christ probably won't understand. I can try to explain those things to you, but it won't make sense until (if even) it is something that can hinder your personal spiritual growth. God can convict someone of something that is unique to that person, while the other person isn't struggling in that area so it would make no sense to convict them of that thing. The unique thing I am talking about isn't the actual locks; God knows what spiritual hindrance is associated with this particular woman and her locks, so don't assume it is 'some preacher' who convicted her. And if it was indeed a preacher, he could have been filled with the Holy Spirit. You won't understand something until it is a part of your personal life. It's hard to explain. She is doing what she believes the Lord has convicted her to do and that is all that matters.
And I agree with Vanessa also. Her not communicating exactly why could be a sign that she is not acting alone, but is convicted to not try to even explain. It could probably cause more confusion.
Sorry, I will rephrase the second sentence: "I have certain things that I am convicted of that some others who follow Christ aren't convicted yet (or ever) probably won't understand." Not saying that Christ tells everyone different things such as to cause division and confusion, but He know each and every individual, including their personal struggles and such. I had to let go of some things that were associated with my pride. They posed a threat to my personal spiritual growth. Others may not have had to let go of those same things; it poses no threat to their growth. And I am talking about very specific personal things that were in my ; things that not everyone has or struggles with. Bible principles and God's law, which reflects His character (which is love), remain unchanged. But any hindrance, whatever it is in any given individual's life, has to go. Do you understand what I mean?
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