How's it hangin'?

Ok, someone explain it to me.
We live in a world full of phallic symbols. We find them in our every day lives, architecture (Washington Monument.. lol), etc. and I think this is no coincidence. I think men love to be reminded of what's inbetween their legs. Why is it that men are so preoccupied with their genitalia???
If you disagree, I offer the following proof. In recent weeks, I've noticed a growing trend in vehicle 'bling'. I first noticed a souped up pick-up truck on the beltway with these silver testes hanging from the bumper. I thought it was pretty funny since I'd never seen it before and figured it was probably some man trying to be funny. In the past week, I've noticed 2 cars with the same thing, so I snapped the above photo yesterday to show you exactly what I'm referring to. It's lost it's novelty and I'm wondering what it's supposed to prove. Am I as a woman supposed to look at that and say, 'Wow, what big balls he has!' and follow your car until I can get your number????? NOT!!!
And as if that wasn't enough, the man that was driving the above vehicle was African-American, but the balls were white, hmmmmmmm??? Could he not find brown ones and then another question begs to be answered, where does one even purchase these things? I'm just saying..
I wanted to know what other women (or men) thought about this. Have any of you seen this or am I unusually observant? What's your take on it and does it offend you in any way? How would you feel if a date came to pick you up and had some balls hanging off his back bumper? Should women have some breasts or a uterus hanging from the back of our vehicles?? LMAO
I'm curious to hear your opinions. Let me know!
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