Thursday, September 14, 2006

Celebrity Interpreter...

Ok, I'm sure you've all seen the new campaign ads for Geico where they use real Geico customers who tell a story with the help of a celebrity interpreter. Well, the commercial with Little Richard makes me crack up because I think that Litle Richard is pretty obnoxious because he's starving for attention and the look this woman gives him at the end is, as the mastercard commercials say, PRICELESS:

Well, I'm a huge fan of Jon Stewart, so I don't have to tell you that I love The Daily Show, but I guess I just did.. lol. Earlier this week, the topic was how the government has 'used' the 9/11 attacks and always uses the anniversary as a political forum, just like George Dubyah did with his public address earlier this week. Jon Stewart took the above commercial and did this with it in part as he was discussing this.. This is absolutely hilarious!

See, even Jon couldn't keep a straignt face on that one. Just something I felt I HAD to share.. LMAO!!! Too funny...hehehehe!


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