Things I dislike & like about myself...

I was inspired to analyze myself by a blog entry of a friend, so here goes:
1. My slight OCD in certain areas of my life...
2. My ability to over-analyze myself and others (although it's normally a great trait, it has it's disadvantages as well... Believe me!).
3. The fact that I get attached to people so easily (again, this can be a good thing, but sometimes it's just painful).
4. My desire to give of myself beyond my means sometimes. I like the fact that I'm a giving and generous person, but I often give until there's nothing left to give and that's not a good thing. I'm attempting to work on that.
5. My inability to say no (I think that's a woman disease in general).
6. My insecurities (I have so many although I hide some very well).
7. My slight hoarder tendencies.. *smile*
8. It's difficult for me to see my beauty sometimes.
9. I'm hard on myself and get very depressed sometimes because of it.
10. I'm a very sensitive person and have been and continue to be hurt a lot by others.
1. I'm a very friendly and outgoing person!
2. I value good friends and family and shower them with my love and adulation!
3. I'm a loyal and true friend!
4. I'm very open-minded and realistic!
5. I have dreams that I'm working toward!
6. I'm a photographer and I can see/show the beauty in others that they sometimes don't see in themselves!
7. I'm a good listener and confidant!
8. I'm always evaluating/analyzing myself in an effort to better myself and grow!
9. I love to laugh and make others laugh!
10. I have the ability to be impartial and look at both sides of a situation, even when I feel I've been wronged by others.
I have so many things that I need to work on, but I acknowledge that I'm a work in progress. Every day is a new beginning and an opportunity to make a change in myself. There was a time recently when I didn't feel I had a purpose in life and didn't care if I woke the next morning or not. My attitude was that my presence wouldn't be missed that much if I weren't here. I wasn't suicidal by any stretch, but I was just tired of the struggle of life and I was ready to simply give up. My sister Regine explained to me that what you put out in the universe is what you get in return. So I stopped verbalizing my pain and started to try to be more reflective instead. I can't say that I've found my purpose in life, but at least I'm in a place where I'm willing to search for it again instead of giving up. Lists like this help me to see what is valuable about me and the things I yet have to work on.
'Life is good' - Jamel (I love ya sis!). Thanks for the support and insightful words you shared with me this past weekend. They meant more to me than you realize.

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