New York, New York...

Ok, I admit that Flavor of Love was a guilty pleasure of mine. One of the highlights of both seasons was crazy as a loon Tiffany, a.k.a. New York. Watching both her and Flava Flav is like watching a train wreck, you know it's horrible to watch, but you just can't look away.
She is now working on her own show called 'I love New York' where 20 men vie for her affection and love. I already know that this show will be like crack for me and I'll be watching, cause u just can't make this stuff up really!
I received an email the other day with the attached photos of New York's new 'babies'. Why, oh why, did she have to go and get implants? And if she felt she needed a bit of help, why did she have to get them so freakishly large? I'm appalled and flabbergasted and she looks even more of a hot mess than she did before. Bless her heart, there's just no hope for her. When you have a mother that looks like a cross dresser and a father that looks like a retired wanna-be pimp, I guess you just don't feel you have a lot of options, huh? So sad..... So very sad....
Poor New York - I would have gone for a tummy tuck myself.
What irritates me is that TV will exploit her and throw her a few thousand dollars while they make millions. By this time next year, she'll be broke, and no more than a faded memory like Divine Brown. Sistas better start recognizing game.
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