Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Martin Luther...

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Not to be confused with Martin Luther King Jr, Martin Luther is a multi-talented singer, songwriter, musician, and producer. His story is of a choir boy turned rocker and his music is a blend of rock, blues, funk, and R&B. I would don't know that I can compare his sound to any other artist because of it's versatility and funkiness! His music is marinated in the sounds of Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, Sly & The Family Stone, and Stevie Wonder. He mixes the old with the new and very successfully I might add.

His recent album is called Rebel Soul Music. I can't say that I love every track, but it's worth having because of the tracks that are good. I prefer his live performances. He is on an independent label, so many have never heard of him, but he's FLY and I love his style. I wasn't able to find much on him to share with you, but I did find a live performance he did on VH1 Live (of his song entitled 'Daily Bread') to share with you. Enjoy!